Belated Birthday Greetings Nero

When talking about famous people born on the same day the first thing you think about is famous actors or artists, people that live in your own age. However when looking at history you can go back quite far and discover other things outside being born on this day, a good example of this would the Roman Emperor Nero, he both married Claudia Octavia in the year 53 and on the 15th birthday greeting of that day he committed suicide. Talk about a unfortunate day for him or her. He was the first Roman Emperor to commit suicide.

Nero was the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and emperor of Rome from 54 to 68. During his rule most of Rome was destroyed in the great fire of rime, of which many Romans believed the emperor himself started the fire.
According to Tacitus the great fire burned for 6days and burned most of Rome, only 4 districts escaped the fire out of 14. Modern scholars tend to agree with him.

Nero was married at the age of 15 birthday greetings, he married with Claudia and died by the age of 30 by suicide, Nero did not last very long. And he will always be remember as an early prosecutor of Christians.

His famous last words are Qualis artifex pereo, and upon his death chaos ensued the empire in the year of the 4emperors, which resulted in Vespasian becoming emperor on December 21 in the year 69. With him as a new emperor the dynasty of nero ended and the flavian dynasty started wich lasted to 96 when his second son died. The flavian dynasty never reached 30th belated birthday greetings unlike the previous dynasty of Nero, the dynasty of nero on the other hand lasted 5 emperors with Nero as the last of his line and a full 100 belated birthday greetings or century.

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